


from California to Morocco, we have year round supply of this power snack staple


Cara Cara

known for their distinct pink flesh, Cara Caras are sweeter, slightly tangy, and less acidic, with a hint of red fruit, like cranberry or blackberry


Blood Orange

brilliantly dark pink, maroon, flesh with raspberry, cranberry, or fruit punch flavors



a subtropical citrus fruit known for its relatively large, sour to semi-sweet, somewhat bitter flavor



also known as pamplemousse, pomelo, shaddock, and Chinese grapefruit, a pummelo is similar in flavor to grapefruit but less bitter, with a sweet, tart flavor profile



aromatic hints of rose, lavender and pine with a slight note of herbaceous; the compound which is important for producing lemon flavor is citral



a super sized easy peeler bursting with juice and flavor


Bagged Mandarins

the quintessential after-school snack; Nathel is proud to carry Halos year-round



imported from Mexico and Peru year round; perfect for refreshing drinks and cooking